Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Baby Showers & More

I'm pretty behind (0kay, three weeks behind) on my blog. But, I feel like I definitely need to write about the past three week's events anyway. It's more for archive's sake than anything, but maybe someone else will be interested in reading it too.

There's nothing more humbling than when people you care about gather to celebrate a special milestone in your life and shower you with love - and gifts. I remember the feeling I had at my wedding showers, and how blessed I felt to have such generous, loving people in my life. Three weekends ago, I had two baby showers, and those same feelings came back to me. I am very blessed by such wonderful friends and family.

(The friends at baby shower #2)

(me opening gifts at baby shower #1, photo by Sara Luke)

In other news, I have been gall bladder attack free for a week and a half!

However, a couple of weeks ago (first weekend in Nov.), I had some pretty severe attacks four nights in a row - one on Friday night, Saturday night, all day Sunday, and all day Monday. By Monday afternoon I was at the end of my rope. I had been in severe pain for 20+ hours and couldn't bear it anymore. In tears, I called my ob-gyn, who was off for the day. Still crying, I then called the principal at my school for a surgeon referral. When I called the surgeon, I was informed he was in surgery for the day. Crying even harder, I called the emergency room to see if I should come in. They directed me to labor and delivery, where the receptionist was not much help. By this time, I was about to give up. I sat on the couch crying in pain and wondering how I was going to get through the next 8 weeks. Then, like a lightswitch, the pain went away. The stone was pushed back into my gall bladder and I felt completely better.

The next day I was able to see the surgeon, who told me what I already knew- there was nothing he could do until the baby is born. I did get a prescription for Vicaden, which I really hope I do not need to use. So far, so good.